I believe I have a truly remarkable story of survival, positivity and resilience. I have suffered setbacks, endured defeats, and stared my physical, mental and emotional demons in the eye. I have re-evaluated my bucket list and found a way to thrive even when faced with harsh realities and often daunting negativity.

My focus is to share the 3 seconds that changed my life, and the 10 life lessons that followed.

My only regret is that it took a near death experience to open my eyes and to change my life. As a part of my healing, I made the choice to personally thank the 53 first responders who played roles in saving my life that day. This ignited a fuel in me to share my story with as many people as humanly possible. I speak a naked truth about PTSD and mental health and how it impacts our lives.

 Inspired people have the ability to accomplish great things.

Whether you are looking to boost the overall group morale, inspire people to reach their goals, or are just looking for a fresh perspective, taking attendees through my journey will give them the drive they need to succeed.



Keynote topics include:

Motivation - focusing on the positive, achieving results and staying motivated

Resilience - coping with setbacks, learning from mistakes, and moving forward

Finding your Joy - Feel the joy of living at your best regardless of life’s challenges

Wellness - being attentive to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours

Perspective - Gain a new perspective on seemingly impossible circumstances

Get in touch.

Pricing varies depending on if it’s via Zoom or in-Person, Location, expenses (Airfare, Hotel, Meals etc.) depending on what is required and how many people are participating. Options range from a class to a workshop or a full day to multiple-day retreats in Canada or internationally.