"I always thought I was one of those people who just wasn’t able to meditate. But WOW… that was life changing! When can I do it again?”

I’m taking the words right out of one of my client’s mouths.

Group Classes

Both virtual as well as in-person are offered a few times a month. Lay down on a mat in your comfiest clothes, listen to some amazing music, breathe, and transform your life!

Private Sessions

Take your healing to the next level with a personalized one-on-one Breathwork session. Discover and heal your deepest trauma and wounds (without even having to talk about it).


Bring Breathwork Meditation into the office and give your employees an opportunity to let go of their own daily stress, helping them reach their highest potential.

Couples Sessions

Take your relationship to the next level. Breathwork for couples will help you feel seen, heard, and allow you to connect deeper to your partner than you ever imagined.


Breathwork, for me, is the easiest form of meditation I’ve ever practiced and the fastest way I can support myself.

Breathwork came into my life at a time that I didn’t even know I needed it. I had been doing years of talk therapy, however I always felt like I was reaching out to someone or something else to “help me” or “fix me”. After my first Breathwork class, I cried tears of joy, knowing my own body (my own breath) had created that healing. The breath was a (free) tool I could use whenever life got life-y.

The type of Breathwork that I work with is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to move stuck emotions in the body. The experience helps you to quickly let go of strong emotions like anger, anxiety and grief, trauma, old stories and limiting beliefs. It leaves you feeling lighter, happier, and less burdened. Our breath seems so simple, but it is a quickest and easiest tool for self healing.





Breathwork at Home Course

I want you to wake up each morning feeling empowered. And no, not because you’ve convinced yourself you need to be, but because you truly feel it.

Fuel Your Soul’s Breathwork at Home course will introduce you to Breathwork, guide you step by step as you create your own daily Breathwork practice, and give you all the tools you need to heal yourself with the power of your own breath.




  • Breathwork is the ideal activity because it truly meets you with where you are at. The breathing will provide you with whatever experience you are ready for and can handle. If you are needing physical relaxation, you will receive that. If you are needing an emotional release, you will experience that. If you are needing a mental break from constant thought and worry, you will receive that. If you are open to spiritual/mystical experiences, you can have that as well.

    The most important part of Breathwork is to allow yourself to have whatever experience you are having, without judging it, wanting it to stop, trying to deny that we are having it, or wishing it was different. The more you are able to surrender to the experience and trust that your body is safe and knows what it can handle, you will have a healing and rejuvenating experience.

    The great thing about Breathwork is that you are in complete control of the experience. If it is getting too intense you simply stop doing the active breathing. Breathwork is empowering for this very reason. You are the person who is controlling the breathing. Nothing is being done to you.

  • Anyone who wants to:

    • access healing and insight

    • expand his or her consciousness

    • tap into more creativity

    • release stress or anxiety

    • move past stuckness and re-energize their life

    • release emotional or physical symptoms and unproductive behaviour patterns

    • transform the negative side effects of long-forgotten events buried deep in their unconscious.

    • heal trauma

    • connect more deeply or get in touch with their spiritual essence

    • be supported through a period of mourning or grieving

    • work through physical illness by exploring emotional issues associated with the illness

    • discover their higher calling or vocation

    • move on from depression

    • become empowered

    • deepen their capacity to support themselves and their loved ones

    • access their inner wisdom and intuition

    • know themselves more deeply

    • create a more fulfilling life

  • A Breathwork class is approximately 60-90 minutes long, separated into three parts. You create your own safe space, laying on a yoga mat with a blanket and eye mask.

    The first part includes a grounding and intention setting meditation. You will then be introduced to what Breathwork is, what to expect and how to do the active breathing technique. I make sure everyone understands the process before moving forward.

    The second part consists of the active breathing portion. This lasts about 22-28 minutes long. It is accompanied by positive, upbeat music played at a loud volume. The reason for this is so that each person feels like they are in their own cocoon. This helps people feel more comfortable if they have emotions coming up.

    In the third part, the active breathing technique stops and your breathing returns to normal. Softer music is played and often participants are guided through a visual meditation process.

  • Breathwork is extremely personal. As such, participants have a wide-range of experiences that are unique to their lives. It can be common to be at a loss for words after a session since your analytical mind has been moved to the side. When the session is over, this analytical mind can come rushing in wanting to understand or explain what happened. There are several ways you can integrate after a session:

    • Some people find that talking about their experience can validate it. They find comfort in discussing the experience with others.

    • Other people wish to remain in silence and enjoy the quiet before the analytical mind kicks in.

    • It’s common to feel ungrounded after a session. Drinking water helps a lot. As does eating healthy, nourishing foods.

    • Some people like to journal or draw after their experience.

    • Some people feel charged and energized, while others may feel drained.

    • All experiences are OK. And because each session is different, how you feel after each session may be different.

  • There is no right answer here. Breathwork is a very effective tool that allows a person to release mental and emotional stress, as well as connect to their spiritual authentic self.

    Each Breathwork session is different because you are different each time you engage in the practice. Therefore, I recommend that you do Breathwork regularly. I say ‘regularly’ and not ‘whenever you need it,’ because in my experience, most people set aside their self-care practices when they need them the most (i.e., they are highly stressed or too busy). If you establish a regular practice of 1 or 2 time per week, that will support you through the ups and downs of daily living.

    There have been times where I’ve done Breathwork multiple times in a day; once a day for several days in a row; and once a week. I find that when I don’t do it at least once a week, I can notice the difference in my moods and energy. If you think of Breathwork as an energetic detox and recharge, it makes sense to do it regularly, just like brushing your teeth.

  • Again, there is no magic answer here. I’ve experienced positive results from as little as 7 minutes. I’ve also done sessions where I’m breathing for an hour. In my public group classes, we engage in active breathing for about 22-28 minutes. We follow this up with 12-15 minutes of restful breathing.

    Start simple. Find a 7-10 minute music track (or tracks) and then add about 3 minutes of rest afterward. That’s only 10 minutes. Very doable!

  • Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from their primary care physician.

    This work is deeply experiential. It may involve intense and energetic emotional release. Breathwork does not substitute for psychotherapy, but it can significantly deepen and enhance psychotherapy and other healing and personal growth efforts.